Call for Papers for the 14th International Interdisciplinary Conference, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya on June 26 to 30, 2023 at Multimedia University of Kenya (online and in-person options)
- Details
- Category: Call for Papers
- Last Updated on 20 December 2022
- Written by Musila
- Hits: 1022
General conference theme: “The Global West, North, East and Africa”
Conference Venue: Multimedia University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya and face to face and online
Sponsors: Multimedia University of Kenya, Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA), Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED) and African
Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA)
The main theme of the 2023 conference is the “Global West, North, East andAfrica.” There is increasing concern on how the Global West and North have influenced Africa over the years and the recent rise of Asian giants such as China and India in contesting the monopoly of the traditional powers. The rise of COVID-19 pandemic and effects of climate change have created anxieties on the continent, where vaccination has not taken root and where many are suffering from the shockwaves of climate change. The involvement of China in development projects in Africa is creating anxiety and concern due to various tensions which the projects are creating on the African continent. The involvement of China and India as alternative partners is creating anxiety in traditional powers such as the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Canada, among others, in geopolitics, economic new order and security implications. This conference seeks to bring new researches that have been conducted on the African continent covering many themes. Africa finds itself at the center of competing interests from the West, North and East. How has Africa handled such influences? In what ways are African countries dealing with increasing Chinese debt? How have these influences affected education, health, mining, agriculture, engineering,, sports, water, tourism, security, religion and other sectors.
Conference Website: Link to the Call for papers for the 14th Annual International Conference
Direct Link: Link to the Call for Papers for 14th Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference
Organized and hosted byMultimedia University of Kenya, African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA) and the Centre for Democracy, Research and Development
(CEDRED), this 14th International Interdisciplinary Conference will be held on June 26 to
30, 2023 at Nairobi, Kenya. The conference will bring together scholars from all over the world to make presentations on matters that touch on Africa. Submission of abstracts: Send abstracts of between 250 and 500 words, including full contact details (title, name, address, email-address, and telephone) as well as institutional affiliation by March 30, 2023 to Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The deadline for submission of full papers or PowerPoint presentation (one of them is adequate) is May 30, 2023. Most papers presented at the conference will be selected and published in peer-reviewed edited volumes and journals – Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies (JAIS) and Journal of Popular Education in Africa (JOPEA) - affiliated to African Interdisciplinary Studies Association (AISA) and the Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), based in Nairobi, Kenya. Each person is allowed to submit a maximum of 3 papers. We encourage authors of papers not to have too many authors. The official language of the conference is English. The conference will consist of twenty colloquia organized along themes.
Important dates
Deadline for submission of abstracts – March 30, 2023
Deadline for submission of PowerPoint presentation or full papers May 30, 2023 The first book will come out starting April 30, 2023 for early papers submitted.
Conference dates – June 26 - 30, 2023
Colloquium 1: Global West, North, East and Africa Sub Themes:
New waves of development from the Global West, North, East in Africa – the US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Scandinavian Countries, China, India and ‘Asian’ Tigers, etc b. Covid-19, Spread and Effects on global affairs and Containment, Vaccinations, etc
Rapid urbanization, rural to urban migration, urban poverty and urban violence in cities
Artificial intelligence, social change and Western influences in Africa
The East and Development in Africa: China, India, Turkey, South Korea, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan, etc
Dynamics of influences from Global West, North, East and Africa - Savannah “Silicon
Valley’s” and other technology hubs and incubators
Indigenous knowledge (IK) and influence on development
Grassroots and Community Based Development Approaches and Sustainable Development
The UN, World Bank, INGOs, NGOs and Community Based Organizations
Partnerships, Foreign Aid and Western Development models and Sectors and Development
Energy, Water, Pastoralism, Agriculture, Fishing, bee-keeping, Roads, Railways, Air transport, Health, taxi transport (Matatu, Daladala, etc) and other Sectors and Development l. Poverty Eradication, Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Reduction, Strategic Management, etc
UN and Development Goals
Social Protection and Corporate Social Responsibility in Africa
NGOs and Faith-based Organizations in African development
Trade Unions, Political Parties, Interest Groups and Sustainable Development
Indigenous African Philanthropy, Good Aid and Bad Aid in Africa and Sustainable
Geopolitics, labour movements, migration, displacement and ‘brain drain’
Identity, hybridity, blackness, whiteness and African development
Sexuality, ‘queer’ culture and ‘otherness’ and social development
Pop culture, multiculturalism and minorities and sectoral development
Voice, agency and silences in global and African development
Women’s Liberation, Youth Empowerment and Minority Development
Linguistics, politics of ‘-Phones’ and Language question and sustainable development
Security of Africa and implications on development
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 2: Global West, North, East and African Environment, Business and Strategic Resources Sub-Themes:
Africa and Global West, North, East and effects on Environmental Movements, Climate
Change, and other areas of Development on the continent
Global West, North, East and Africa and Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), Rangelands and E-waste Management, Water towers of Africa, Pollution and Water sources
Global Finance, Commerce, e-Commerce and e-Banking, Sectors of Development
Patents, Trademarks, Factories, Industries and Manufacturing & Sustainable Development
New Trends in Outsourcing and Africa’s ‘Silicon Valleys’ and ‘Industrial Parks’
Geopolitics, globalism, European Union, NATO, NAFTA, ECOWAS, EAC and IGAD
Devolution, Decentralization and Resource Mobilization & Sustainable Development
Planning and Management of Natural Resources in West, East, South and North Africa
Business Management, Human Resource and Entrepreneurship & Development
The Cooperative Movement, Women Groups and Savings Societies
Media, Transport and Communication & Sustainable Development
Regional Blocs, Integration and Regional Trade and Sustainable Development
International Trade and Global Business Management and Sustainable Development
Tourism, Eco-Tourism, Health-Tourism and Sustainable Development
Transparency and Accountability, Corruption and Ethics in Development
Sports, Cable TV, English Premier League, American NBA, Cricket, Rugby and Other
Sports & Sustainable Development
Games, Gambling, Betting, Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes and youth in Africa
Forensic auditing and accounting and and Business Trends and Losses
Global Finance and European, American, Asian and Indigenous Influence
SMEs, Cooperative Saving Societies, Micro and village banking and bank agents
Money transfer, Western Union, Mpesa and other mobile banking services
Politics of Covid-19, COVID-billionaires, pharmaceutical politics
Post Covid-19 therapies for businesses, issues of trauma and counselling
Government and private efforts during and after ‘new normal’ under Covid-19
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome.
Colloquium 3: Education, other social and cultural Sectors in Africa Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and influence on African education
Secondary and Primary education
Global Trends and Curriculum Development and New Pedagogies in Higher Education
Global Networks, Higher Education, Linkages, Research, Partnerships and Publishing
Development sectors, Industry, Linkages, Exchange Programmes and Collaborations
Development secctors and Special Education
Education, ICT, teleconferencing, webinars, networking and e-Learning
Women, Minorities and Gender mainstreaming in Education
Development Sectors and Lifelong Learning, Adult Education and Cooperative Education
Science, Industry, Technology and UNESCO projects in Education
Development Sectors, Private Education and Venture Capital
Global Trends, Technical and Vocational Education, Culture, Performance, Literature and
Sustainable Development
Africa Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS)
Research Production, Graduate Training and Repositories and anti-Plagiarism
University Ranking and Funding in Higher Education
Global Trends in Education, Basic, Elementary and Secondary Education
New Trends in Teaching and Education and Competency Based Curriculum (CBC)
Covid-19 and education sector
Covid-19 and clamour for online learning in the ‘new normal’
Lifelong learning, Open and Distance Learning (ODL), online learning, e-resources
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 4: Law, Courts, Constitutions, Human Rights Sectors & Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and Trends, International Court System, Independence of Courts in Africa
Women, youth, minorities and Human Rights and Development
Global Trends and Indigenous, Local, National and Global Legal Systems
Conflict Transformation and Peace Building Issues
Dictatorships, Democracies and Constitutional reforms
Wangari Maathai, Koffi Annan, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Aliko Dangote, Julius Malema, Bob Wine, Eliud Kipchoge, Wole Soyinka, and other new heroes in Africa g. Court reporting and Courts in Social Media
Alternative Justice Systems in Africa – Councils of Elders
Environmental Law and Conservation and Development
Role of Regional Blocs and UN in Arbitration in Conflicts
Women, Youth and Courts and Development
Civic and Citizen Education and Development
Land, Special Courts and Small Claims Courts
Human Trafficking and Global Recruitment Firms
IDPs, Refugees, Illegal and Forced Migration
Protocols, Agreements, Treaties and Accords
Truth Commissions and Restoration of Justice
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 5: Engineering, Science, Technology, Fourth Industrial Revolution & Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and Africa and influence on Highways, Roads, Bridges and
Applied Technology
Technical Training, Science, Technology and Sustainable Development
Fifth and Fourth Industrial Revolutions, Global Trends in Engineering
Natural Resource Management, agriculture, livestock and fisheries
Patents, Trademarks, Technology and Innovation
Manufacturing, Industry and University Collaboration
Research and Development (R&D) and Sustainable Development
Industrial Parks and Innovation Villages and Sustainable Development
Innovation, Science, Technology and Environment
ICT, Science and Technology and inclusive Development
STEM, Science, Engineering, Technology, Gender and inclusive Development
Science, Children and Youth and Sustainable Development
Health Tourism, Medicine, HIV and AIDS
Transport (Roads, railways, ports and harbours) and Development
Informal (Jua kali) sector and non-formal sector and Development
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 6: The Third Sector, Religious Organizations, State Agencies, and Sectoral Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and Africa and influence on Third Sector Development in Africa
Islam, Christianity and development dynamics in Africa
Global Radical Groups, Radical Religious Groups and Global Security
Global Trends in Media and the Church and Development
Small states and challenges of Development
Sectoral development and Faith-Based NGOs and Development
War, Conflict, Philanthropy and Development
Religious Institutions, Sacred Shrines, Religious festivals, etc
Global Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and global peace and security
NGOs and Grassroots Development
Income generating groups and Development
State Corporations or Parastatals and Development
Seers, Prophets, Apostles, TV and Global Mega Evangelists and Development
Religion, Environment and Development
Religion, Gender and Women and Development
The Church and Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Local, national and regional dynamics
Briefcase NGOs in Africa and corruption
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 7: Security, Peace and Conflict, Sectoral and Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and Africa major powers and Security Architecture
Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, Al Shabaab and global Peace and Security
Conflict, Rebel activities, War and Violence
The UN, African Union, Gender and Human Rights
Peace and Security in the Great Lakes Region
Ukraine-Russia War, Humanitarian Assistance and Rise in Oil and Wheat prices
War and Refugees and Development
Conflict Management, Ethical Issues in Development
Democracy, Leadership and Governance
Kleptocracies, Totalitarianism and Dictatorship, term limits and Corruption
Regional Bodies and Peace and Development
Displacement, Refugees and International Affairs
Failed and near-failed states in Africa
Water wars and conflicts in the world and Development
Global security, small arms and light weapons, Maritime security and Development
Special Forces and Commando Units
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 8: Computer Science, Library, Information and Communication Technology, Media Sectors and Development Sub-Themes:
a)Global West, North, East and Africa and changes in Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) and Development
b)The nature and state of ICT in the world and Africa and Development
c)Computer Science, Mobile Libraries, Dissemination and Publishing
d)Library Resources and Development
e)E-Library/Virtual library and Development
f)E- books/E-Journals and e-Development in Africa
g)Internet Research and online publishing
h)Communication and Journalism and Development
i)Language, FM Radio and TV stations and Development
Gender and ICT in Africa
ICT and environment in Africa
Business innovations in ICT – M-pesa, m-kopa, m-shwari, etc
Oral literature and oral narratives and texts
Global Media and Africa and Development
CNN, BBC, Al Jazeera and Reporting Africa
Media ownership in Africa
Training in journalism in Africa – South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, etc
Internet Bandwidth, Cybercrimes and cyber security, FM Radio Stations and Development
Film Production, Censorship and Media Freedom
Social Media, Fake News, Socialites, Social Media “Influencers” and Media Icons
Celebrities, Gender and Media
Artificial intelligence and new media
Women, girls, youth and Media
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 9: Global Trends in Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Research, Sectors and Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and Africa and Challenges of invention of states and ethnic groups in Africa
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Development in Africa
Gender, Women and Development in Africa
Corporate Social Responsibility
Aid and Sectoral Development
New Paradigms of Development
Minority Groups and Tensions
Interdisciplinary Research and Development
Public Policy and Ecology
Entrepreneurship and Development
Minorities and Development
Integrated Rural Urban Development
Funding Interdisciplinary Research and Development
Social, Economic and Political Research
Research Regimes
Opinion polls, surveys and mapping in Africa
Research permits
Patents and trade marks
University-Industry partnerships
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 10: Health, Medicine, Nursing Sectors and Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and influences on African Health Science innovations and inventions in the world
COVID-19 pandemic and effects Medical tourism and Development
Epidemiology, pandemics, Covid-19, Corona Virus Pandemic & Development
Ebola, Rare Diseases, Epidemiology, Yellow Fever, Nile Blindness, Kala-azar disease
Global West, North, East and the state of HIV and AIDS and management in Africa
Lifestyle diseases, poor and rich people diseases and health services
Dietetics, Malnutrition, Nutrition and strategic food resources
Health of mothers and fathers
Gynecology and obstetrics and child welfare in Africa
Problems of Covid-19, Corona Virus Pandemic & Effects on Development
Medical insurance schemes and ‘health tourism’
Resistance in diseases and campaigns against abuse of drugs
Pharmacy, pharmaceuticals and health tender-preneurs
Plastic surgery, cosmetics and beauty industry in Africa
Nursing challenges, mobile hospitals and clinics in Africa
Expatriate doctors and brain drain and bran gain in Africa
Psychiatry and mental health in Africa
Internal medicine and lifestyle diseases in Africa
Aging, obesity and diet and care of the elderly in Africa
Malaria and other tropical diseases
Development and change in Medical schools in Africa
Eradication of polio and other vaccination campaigns
Alternative medicine and ethno-medicine in Africa
Dietetics and nutrition, kwashiorkor, marasmus, and other issues
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 11: Engineering, Technology, Innovation and Sectoral Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and mechanical engineering, global trends in Africa
Electronic engineering and Sectoral Development
Electrical engineering and Sectoral Development
Civil and structural engineering and Sustainable Development
Applied technology and African societies
Chemical and mining engineering
Wind, solar and hydro power and Sustainable Development
Factories and industries and Sustainable Development
Technical training and Sustainable Development
Professional engineering exams
Studying engineering and Sustainable Development
Engineering training and regulators
Innovations, discoveries and innovations
Young engineers and Sustainable Development
Power generation and Sustainable Development
Aviation and flying schools in Africa
Manufacturing and Development
Textile engineering and production
Food processing, storage and nutrition
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 12: Agriculture, Livestock Development, Fisheries, Irrigation Sectors and Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and African agriculture and green and blue economy
Global West, North, East and influence on Crop husbandry and Development
Sectoral development in Cash crops and national development
Sectoral progress in Tea, coffee, maize, bananas, wheat, rice, beans and vegetables
Pyrethrum, sisal and rare crops
Agricultural engineering and Development
Farm management and Development
Training in agriculture
Strategic crops and Sustainable Development
Male crops and female crops
Strategic food reserves
Crop rotation and Sustainable Development
Seed production and Sustainable Development
Rare crops
Cooperative societies and Sustainable Development
Irrigation agriculture
Training in agriculture
declining interest in agriculture
Pesticides and the challenges of farming
Extreme weather and agriculture
Strategic crops and Sustainable Development
Male crops and female crops
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 13: Forestry, Wildlife Management, Tourism Sectors and Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and African forests, wildlife and water resources
The part played by Global West, North, East and protection of Carbon sinks in Africa
Management of equatorial and tropical forests
Challenges of forest management
Training in forest and wildlife management
Endangered species and Sustainable Development
Animal orphanages and Sustainable Development
Rare animal species and Sustainable Development
Indigenous forests and Sustainable Development
Rare tree species and Sustainable Development
Rare animal species and Sustainable Development
Human/wildlife conflict and Sustainable Development
Biodiversity in Africa and Sustainable Development
Resources from Tropical and equatorial forests
Forestation and desertification
Marine parks in Africa
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 14: Water, Mining, Petroleum, Minerals and other Sectors Sub-Themes:
Global trends in water use and Sustainable Development
Water quality and management and Sustainable Development
National Water master plans
Fresh water use in the world
Water processing and retailing
Irrigation and Sustainable Development
Water transport
Mining and Sustainable Development
Strategic minerals and Sustainable Development
Petroleum production in Africa
The curse of oil in Africa
Conflicts over oil production
Oil contracting in Africa and Sustainable Development
Abstracts on any other relevant topic are welcome
Colloquium 15: Business Studies, Commerce and Economics and Development Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and Global Business Deals in Africa
Global Economics and development
Business Transactions in a global world
Dynamics of e-business and ‘Silicon Valleys’ of Africa
The era of grand projects and grand corruption in Africa
Standard Gauge Railways in Africa and Expressways
China and Business Development in Africa
Asian Business interests in Africa and sustainable development
Mega road and port projects in Africa and Development
Banking mergers and macro finance and development
Table banking and micro finance
Housing and sustainable development
Any other topic in finance and economics
Colloquium 16: Music, Theater, Art and Heritage Sub-Themes:
Global West, North, East and advancement in entertainment in Africa
Pop music and global Musical trends and Global Politics of the arts
African music – soul, afro pop, hip hop, rap, rock and roll, high life, etc
Rhumba, Lingala, Bongo Fleva, Omutibo, Benga, Chakacha and Mganda – T.P.O.K
Jazz, Simba Wanyika, Morogoro Jazz, Super Mazember, Mangelepa, Wasafi, etc
African short story and effects on literature
African novel and development
Hollywood and Black Africa – Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Trevor Noah, etc
Nollywood and Africa
Afro cinema and Africa soap operas
Theater and culture in Africa
African art and preservation of African heritage
Village theaters and theft of African artifacts
UNESCO and protection of Heritage sites - Fort Jesus, Kit Mikai, Crying stone of Kakamega (Ikhonga Murwi), Kaya Sacred Forests, Caves of Mt. Elgon, “Foot of
Jesus” in Vihiga, Kenya
Weaponizing African bodies, Sara Bartman (Hottentot Venus), Indigenous art in Africa and return of the heads of Koitalel Samoei and Otenyo, return of the tooth of
Patrice Lumumba
Unique and rare art such as Makonde and Kamba carvings
Any other topic
Colloquium 17: Pre-conference Postgraduate Research Workshop for PhD and Masters Students on Proposal and Thesis Writing – June 27, 2022 (we encourage early registration of minimum 20 and maximum 40 participants) - Registration is US$50
The workshop will cover the following topics:
Choosing a research topic for Masters, PhD and Other Researches
Identifying independent and dependent variables in a topic
How to write an effective and attractive title – maximum 20 words
How to write an effective abstract
How to write an effective introduction
Identifying and writing an effective statement of the problem
Writing Smart Objectives
Writing proper Research Questions
Justification, rationale and significance
Techniques of Literature Review
Conceptual and theoretical Framework
Research Methods, Methodologies and Designs
Quantitative and Qualitative Data analysis and interpretation
Analysis and Presentation of Findings
Report writing for Masters, PhD and Research Project
Writing References according to APA, Chicago, Harvard and Other Manuals
Writing a journal article from a thesis
Writing a chapter in an edited book
Understanding point system in publications for journals, book chapters, etc
Understanding citation index, impact factor and rating
Any other relevant topic requested by trainees
Colloquium 18: Pre-conference Training on Proposal, Grant writing and Fundraising Workshop for Professors and Lecturers - June 27, 2023 (we encourage early registration of minimum 20 and maximum 40 participants) Registration is US$50
The workshop will cover the following topics:
How to write a successful research proposal
How to write a successful grant proposal
Identifying a research area and unique topic
Creating a research edge
Creating collaborations and networks
Cross-country research team building
Fundraising strategies for institutions and organizations
Why proposals are selected
Why proposals are rejected
Identifying funding agencies
Any other relevant topic requested by trainee
Colloquium 19: Pre-conference Training on Professional Editing, Peer Review Process, Supervision of Masters and PhD Theses and Preparing New Courses - June 27, 2023 (we encourage early registration of minimum 20 and maximum 40 participants) –
Registration is US$50
The workshop will cover the following topics:
How to edit a journal article
How to write a book proposal
How to edit a book length manuscript
Writing a manuscript
Converting PhD or Master’s thesis into a book
Identifying a good publisher
Professional editing
Peer review process – the process and techniques
Effective supervision of masters and PhD theses and dissertations
Preparing new courses and programs
Writing modules for Open and Distance Learning and Online classes
Any other relevant topic requested by trainees
Colloquium 20: Roundtables, independent panels and association meetings Sub-Themes:
Open for any panels or roundtables or association meetings
Any relevant topic
Registration Fees:
Staff from East African Universities and Organizations (Physical presentation in Nairobi:
US$ 70 (KES 7,000); Online Presentation: US$50 (KES. 5,000)
Rest of Africa (Physical presentation in Nairobi US$ 150, Online Presentation US$100)
Rest of the World – Europe, North America, Asia, etc (Physical presentation in Nairobi
US$ 200, Online Presentation US$150)
Exhibition and advertising stand - US$ 200
Colloquium 17, 18 and 19 pay additional US$50 per colloquia
Registration fee payments to: Center for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
Prof. Maurice N. Amutabi, (Convener and Prof. (Eng). Abel Mayaka (Co-convenor)
Centre for Democracy, Research and Development (CEDRED), Nairobi, Kenya
P.O. Box 13447-00400,
Nairobi, Kenya
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