Professional and Editorial Work
- Details
- Category: Professional Services
- Last Updated on 20 December 2022
- Written by Musila
- Hits: 1233
- Chief Editor, Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies, JAIS, Nairobi, Kenya
- Editor in Chief, Journal of Popular Education in Africa, JOPEA, Nairobi, Kenya
- Editor, East Africa Journal of Humanities and Sciences (EAJHS) published by the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, Nairobi.
- Editor-in-chief, Kenya Studies Review, published by Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA), Ohio, since 2009.
- Reviews articles for the International Journal of Educational Development (IJED), 2000-2007.
- Editorial Adviser of Ife Journal of the Humanities and Social Studies, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
- Reviews articles for Africa Today (published by Indiana University Press), 2005- to the present.
- Editor of Studies in the Economic History of Kenya (Edwin Mellen Press), 2009.
- Co-editor of Lifelong Learning in Africa (Edwin Mellen Press), 2009.
- Chaired many conference panels and presentations
- Chaired many PhD and Masters Examination sessions